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B2B Marketing networking

Your Net Worth is Only as Good as Your Network

After attending various networking events your realisation of its importance just continues to grow. Business networking is not simply a great way to gain new clients but allows you to further your knowledge and learn from others. In my view, it’s a highly valuable use of my time.

You may feel you are way too busy to attend these events but having a break from the office might just be what you need. The majority of networking events are usually free and full of like-minded people. So here are 3 top tips to why you and your employees should get involved in networking.

Making Connections

It doesn’t matter which sector you work in, networking will help refine your interpersonal skills by communicating with an array of professionals. By simply starting a conversion, asking the right questions and making that connection, is all great for creating business relationships. It’s not what you know, but who you know!

Raising your Profile

One of the greatest benefits of networking is being visible and getting noticed. By attending networking or even social events you will help get yourself and your business out there. Whilst at these events, ensure you build up your personal reputation by offering useful information and knowledge. It could just be a tip on something someone is struggling with, but by being supportive, it will help generate leads.

Nurturing Self-Awareness

Networking is a fantastic way to build self-awareness as it allows you to develop a verbal presentation of your values, beliefs, and professional experiences. Think of it as an elevation pitch, you need to showcase your skills in less than 30 seconds. If you are able to do it, this will help build your confidence as a professional.

After attending networking events, the follow up is key, ensure you stay connected with those that you meet. Make sure they don’t forget, look at their business cards and email them or connect with them on LinkedIn, reminding them of what is it you do and how you could be of service to them. You never know when or where your next lead is going to come from.

Here are some great networking events I have been to recently in the Leeds area:

If you need any further advice on how to get the most out of networking, feel free to get in touch.

31st Jul 2018

Working Hand in Hand, or Cog in Cog

After attending various networking events your realisation of its importance just continues to grow. Business networking is not simply a great way to gain new clients but allows you to further your knowledge and learn from others. In my view, it’s a highly valuable use of my time. You may feel you are way too […]

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13th Sep 2018

The Omega European Masters – Corporate Sponsorship Lessons from The Green

After attending various networking events your realisation of its importance just continues to grow. Business networking is not simply a great way to gain new clients but allows you to further your knowledge and learn from others. In my view, it’s a highly valuable use of my time. You may feel you are way too […]

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