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Case Study

Remaining Relevant with Blockchain

Medicalchain uses blockchain technology to securely store health records for a collaborative, smart approach to healthcare.

Medicalchain came to us to help them run targeted campaigns for their brand within highly respected doctor’s circles as well as the consumer launch for their app MyClinic.com.

Making a Splash

The Digital Health Passport is the next generation of medical tech. We’ve maintained a stream of high authority industry PR, content and conference appearances to educate people on how blockchain can be used to make medical records truly ownable by users.

Medicalchain is at the cutting edge of health technology and it’s our job to pique the interest of other early adopters to collaborate and build further technology on the Medicalchain platform.

Building on a Brand

The Medicalchain company built the MyClinic.com app on top of their blockchain technology.

The app allows users to create appointments with private or NHS specialists at a time that suits them and the Digital Health Passport is the technology that drives it.

We helped to launch the brand into the App Stores and we ran simultaneous campaigns for both user awareness and doctor recruitment for their branch-off digital consultation platform, MyClinic. To launch this innovative new solution, we gave the brand life through carefully developed social media strategy, engaging creatives, such as videos and images. Our offering went beyond marketing and stretched into branding and launch strategy.

Maintaining Authority

We keep the founders of Medicalchain at the core of the conversation around medtech. The fast-moving industry can change from one day to the next and to remain relevant and retain authority, we come up with new ideas and concepts to bring a fresh take to the medical record conversation and how blockchain is having an impact on not only the medical but other sectors.

Our strategic and targeted PR strategy was one that was unique to MedicalChain. We focused on establishing significance with the relevant professionals by gaining PR placements in the top pharmaceutical publications. Namely, Pharmafield. The article was a thought-leading, technical piece exploring the lack of critical data security in the NHS and offered readers a solution in the form of blockchain technology. It was perceived by 16,000+ visitors per month, and over 54,000 twitter users.

“Halston Marketing have helped us to develop the marketing for a brand new concept and make sense of a highly technical, multi-faceted offering as well as remaining relevant in our own industry PR.”

Amina Albeyatti, Head of Business Development, Medicalchain