How To: Write Your Golden Email
In the past, we’ve blogged about bringing sales and marketing teams together through Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and your ‘Golden Email’ is just one of the outputs of this union.
Your golden email is the sales person’s dream and can be used in warm and cold lead situations. The outline of the email should be crafted with input from both sales and marketing. Any potential client that may have been reached by your marketing in the past will be more quickly reminded of your brand if your sales outreach echoes the messaging and tone of voice of the marketing.
Your marketing team should also be able to share insight on language that resonates with your target audience through any A/B testing carried out.
Each email should always be different, there is nothing worse than receiving an email that you know is a blanket communication and trust me, they can be spotted a mile off. So, while it’s a good idea to create a template for your Golden Email always make sure to thoroughly research the company you’re attempting to connect with.
Use the personas you’ve created for the different facets of your target audience and consider creating a different template for each of these. Once you’ve decided which persona your current target falls in to, you can then work on tweaking the email to ensure it’s unique to that specific company.
With that in mind, there are a few steadfast elements that allow you to get everything into one succinct message:

Your hook should be a very short, preferably one sentence, introduction to your company and its services. Focus on the service that is most relevant to them at this point.
Pain points
Highlight your knowledge and understanding of their pain points and explain how your product or service can alleviate these issues.
How you’ll work together
Keep your language breezy but professional and explain how easy it is to work with your company. Illustrate the minimal effort on their part to adopt your service or purchase your product.
Next steps
Let the recipient know the next steps, how they can contact you and add links to relevant pages on your site. Also mention at this point that you will follow this communication up in a few days, be that by phone or by email.
The Golden Email can only go so far, you need to ensure that your sales team are on the ball and do follow up every client they outreach to as and when is stated in the email.
Golden Emails are by no means stagnant. Never think that once you have your template down you can simply carry on using it indefinitely. As in all types of communication the Golden Email is transient and should be treated as such.
Re-evaluate your email template on a regular basis and ensure it’s still relevant and hard working. Always bring marketing, sales and even NPD together to refine email templates going forward allowing for a collaborative approach.
If you’re looking for expert advice on sales and marketing messaging, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help with your strategy.