Top 5 Tips to Creating Convenient Content
When you’re planning content on your site you need to think about the reason you’re posting it; it’s premise always has to be helpful to your target audience. Horn tooting is OK in your news section but your blog should be an area where you instil the wisdom of your team in an endeavour to help and aid your existing and potential clients.
Here are some top tips on making sure you’re sharing your experience and acumen effectively:
- Pain points – You need to identify the pain points of your client, not the company they work for but the person themselves doing their job day-in, day-out. We’ve talked about creating personas in the past, use that insight to start brainstorming some really useful posts.
- Timeliness – Look at the industries you’re targeting, what are the big dates in their annual calendar? Does your service or product help them more at a certain time of year or is your advice and experience on certain elements of their sector more pertinent depending on seasonality? Consider all of these questions when drafting any annual or monthly blog content or social media calendar and think about how you can really share the knowledge when it’s most useful.
- Newsjacking – Read the news, every day. What’s trending on Twitter? How can you make comment on a current or breaking situation that will help your clients and customers? Create real-time content for a real-time world and make sure your brand name is the first your target audience sees. On a side note, make sure the trend or news story definitely is relevant to your service or product and by no means jump on anything that you’re not an expert in.
- Feedback – Gain feedback from your existing clients, what information would they like to read about? What insight do you have that they would like to hear more on? Your existing clients will be flattered you’ve asked them and potential clients will gain some great advice.
- Discussion – Use social media as it’s supposed to be used; a two-way street. Ask your audience what they think of your blog, ask them what they’d like to read more of and create a conversation around your content.
If you’re interested in learning more about how content and social media marketing can benefit your brand or you’d like to learn more about putting together a content calendar get in touch.