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LinkedIn Ads LinkedIn Campaign Refine Your Audience

LinkedIn Ads: Targeting, Getting it Right the First Time

In our previous guide, we briefly mentioned the importance of setting up your LinkedIn campaign audience, we’d recommend reading that first!

LinkedIn gives you several targeting options, which means you’re able to aim your campaign in the direction you want. With the power of digital, you have options such as choosing your languages, meaning your campaign can be local or global along with the locations you require – this could be by city, country, or even a continent.

An example:

If you’re a tech company based in the UK looking to target retail companies also based in the UK, you wouldn’t benefit from selecting any other location other than United Kingdom. The idea of selecting more locations and having a wider ad distribution sounds great, but at the end of the day, your campaign will only be successful if you’re targeting the right audience in the right location.

Book a research and strategy session with our experts today to discuss target personas and how to create a campaign solution that’s hard-working and relevant for your target audiences.

Broaden or Define

You can refine your audience further by using other demographics such as gender, education, job type and age, allowing you to refine your campaign to the exact audience you would like to attract. Of course, how refined is down to the purpose of your campaign, and completely up to you. this is when you should think about the result and exactly why you’re launching this particular campaign and how this will serve your business.

An example:

If you’re targeting a specific industry such as retailers, you can choose exactly which part of retail you’d like to specifically target. LinkedIn Campaign Manager allows you to narrow down your audience by job title, company, and company industries.


Ahead of any campaign setup, you should have a clear idea of your agreed set out objectives at the front of your mind when you’re deciding on the structure of your target audience. Remember, this can be as broad or as refined as you would like. The decision-maker here is you.

Would you benefit from gaining more insights into LinkedIn advertising and creating the perfect campaign? Get in touch.

23rd Feb 2021

LinkedIn Ads: Where to begin

In our previous guide, we briefly mentioned the importance of setting up your LinkedIn campaign audience, we’d recommend reading that first! LinkedIn gives you several targeting options, which means you’re able to aim your campaign in the direction you want. With the power of digital, you have options such as choosing your languages, meaning your […]

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26th Feb 2021

Road Mapping the Route to Success with Insight

In our previous guide, we briefly mentioned the importance of setting up your LinkedIn campaign audience, we’d recommend reading that first! LinkedIn gives you several targeting options, which means you’re able to aim your campaign in the direction you want. With the power of digital, you have options such as choosing your languages, meaning your […]

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